Blue Flower


Sailors of the Sixties

Below is a list of Okanogan Organization members who served aboard the ship during her last decade of service in the 1960's. This group now makes up more than half of our organizations membership, and many of them attend our annual reunions.

Bob Anderson, IC2 1966-69
James R. Barr, DT1 57-59,67-69
John Bayless, SK3 1964-68
Larry Black, BM3 1965-66
Ben Carlin, EN3 1963-67
Colin S Carney, GMG3 1962-66
Richard Christensen, BT1 1957-60
Robert Christopherson, EM3 1964-67
Robert Climo, EN2 1958-62
Carlie Cleveland, EM2 1965-68
Larry Cleveland, EM3 1967-68
Richard Coakes, FN 1960-62
Lealand E. Coffman, SK2 1963-66
Fred Cooper, BM3 1964-67
William N. Cox, RM3 1950-60
Carroll B. Danielson, BT2 1958-63
Edward Earl Deason, ETR2 1960-62
Ron Delaney, EM2 1965-66
Jack E. Donnell, MM2 1963-64
Michael Duncan, BM2 1966-69
Buel Engle, RD3 1965-68
Don R. English, 1960-63
James Daniel Foster, GMG3 1961-64
Neil E. Fulton, BM2 1957-65
Richard Gorte, EN3 1963-66
Richard Hahn, Capt. 1961-63
Michael Hender, ET2 1965-67
Dale E. Hickle, BM2 1957-62
Burton L. Hogue, L/CPL 1962
Jerre D. Holbrook, PN3 1959-60
James Imming, SN 1966-67
Frank Jablonski RD2 1959-62
Richard Keel, Ensign 1965-68
Thomas Kiander, LTJG 1964-65
Daniel Kopfle, FN3 1962-64
James L. Krautkramer, EN3 1960-63
Don LaBorde, DTSN 1964-67
Norman Laskay, LT 1964-66
Stephen Lenarz EM2 1964-67
Peter O. Lenmark, PN3 1963-65
Lance Luedke, MM3 1964-67
Joe Mascal, BT2 1963-67
Bill McMullen, DCC 1965-68
David Meierhoff, EN3 1965-67
Paul Miles, SN 1965-68
Gary Mulick, SK1 1965-67
Kenneth Nichols, BM2 1963-67
Tom Nott, BM1 1962-64
Maurice O’Brien, RD3 1963-66
Dick Palazzolo, LTjg 1962-64
Joseph D. Palermo, PNSN 1962-64
Wiley Parish, LT 1959-62
John L. Patterson, LTjg 1965-66
Raymond A. Pules, RM3 1967-69
Kenneth Reeves, MM2 1963-66
Larry Sandoval, BM3 1964-66
Tom Schaefer, LTJG 1964-67
Terri Scheidler, EMC 1965-68
Louis M. Scott, Jr., ENC 1958-61
Terry Staples, EN2 1964-66
Andrew “Mike” Stone, BT1 1964-69
Paul Szabo, EM3 1962-64
Dale Tabler, EM2 1962-65
Lynn R. Taylor, SFM2 1960-63
James Terry, RD2 1956-60
Charles J. Thelen, SH3 1959-66
John Trolinger, BWO3 1959-63
Milton Watchers, LT 1959-60
Carl Weisiger, EN 1962-63
George B. White, EN2 1963-66
Reynold L. Worch, LTJG 1965-68
Paul Worthington, HMCM 1966-68
Jim Williams, EN3 1961-65
Malcolm Warnholtz, BT2 1964-67
Doug Branson, BM2 1964-67
Donald Goreham BM3 1962-65